Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Shock! Horror! I've Become A Blogger!

Hello, good day and welcome to my new blog.

I'll be using this space to write all those thoughts and random ramblings that crop up during the course of a normal working week.

So, who am I? Well, my name is Jamie, I'm a 22 year old marketing graduate from Hertfordshire, and I've just started working in the big scary real world.

I work in Client Services within a Digital Marketing agency (Brandwidth) and maintain a keen interest with all that goes on within digital, branding, social and general marketing sectors.

The plan is that this blog will cover a wide variety of subjects but should (hopefully) focus in on the marketing perspective involved.

Please feel free to ask any questions, make any comments or argue any points via the blog.

I look forward to hearing your feedback!



1 comment:

  1. Hello fellow Blogger.

    I wonder if you ramblings will coincide with some of my too sure on that one.

    I realise this may be controversial for you (i think), but feel free to rant on the devious business ways, in every manner possible, of Tesco. Thats one subject i will happily comment on.
