Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Who's Turning The Apple Rumour Mill?

I can't believe it.  It's the 19th January and I still haven't updated the blog this year.  It's a disgrace, and I need to make it right.  So here goes....

Apple.  Probably the most respected, most blogged, tweeted and talked about company going.  Everyday there is a new rumour about one of their products.  Whether it's the iPhone 4.0 or the iTablet/iSlate, everywhere you look there are rumours surrounding Apple.

I just can't work out where the rumours comes from.  We all know that car manufacturers leak images of upcoming vehicles or accidentally happen to tell car photographers where they might be testing the new heavily disguised bland-mobile, but is this what happens in the technology world as well?

I'm sure there is some truth to the rumours about new Apple products, but when Apple haven't even confirmed there's definitely going to be a Tablet-like product, where are the rumours coming from?  Where do videos like this iTablet Video come from?!

It would be naive to think that Apple's PR department doesn't have some sort of hand on the stirring spoon, but I believe there's more to be found out by looking at the overall branding.

Apple = passionate people

That's what the brand breathes. The customers know Apple put their all into their products, so they like to give their all back.  The high level of technology, classy simple design and ease of use mean that the Apple brand stands for everything that techy, classy and designer people want.  Therefore the public get excited about new product launches.  Obviously it's the people that want Apple products who are blogging, tweeting etc, and Apple appear to have realised this and seem to release small bits of information into the public domain, sit back and watch their customers do all their PR work for them, as it explodes into a full news story.

So Apple's success appears to balance between clever, guarded branding mixed with passionate and knowledgeable customers who want the newest technology now.

Clever, especially compared to their competition....By the way, how did your Windows 7 launch party go down? FAIL

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